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Last night Mr. Crafty and I went to see Social Network. He knows how much I am addicted to like Facebook and social networking, so we opted to see this movie.
We almost never go to the movies, thank you Netflix, so we made a date out of it. We went our favorite burger place and then to the theater.
Mr. Crafty has never had a Facebook account, and still has no idea what Twitter is, but he was still pretty impressed with this movie. Justin Timberlake and Jesse Eisenberg were awesome. The story behind Facebook is quite intriguing, and this movie really made you feel for the struggle behind the website and what actually happened to bring about the site we all (well, almost all) know and love.
Speaking of Facebook, you can now find Ruby Chic's N E W Facebook page HERE, or by clicking the button at the top of my right sidebar.
Will you come be my friend?