I couldn't be more ready for 2011!
2010 has not been the best of years for me, so here's hoping 2011 will be a little gentler. :)
I'm trying to be more diligent about goal-setting, so without further ado, here are my New Year's resolutions.
1. Stop procrastinating. I have always been a procrastinator and at the age of 27 I really should stop doing that now, don't you think?
2. Be more punctual. See #1 for more explanation. ;)
3. Lose 50 lbs. Yikes! This is a big one. That number seems so daunting, but I'm already down 5 lbs. within the last few weeks and I'm working my way there, slowly but surely. I just joined a local yoga studio so I'm hoping to take Bikram yoga at least twice a week, along with my regular gym.
4. Sew more! I have some beautiful projects that I've started, but have yet to finish. I hope to get several things up on my Etsy page within the next few weeks.
Here's to the New Year!
May yours be filled with happiness and love.